Selasa, 24 Februari 2015
Can i trust you?
Greetings to you and your family, i hope everything is well with you
over there. My name is Abiba Faisal and 16 years of age. My late father
was the former minister of Finance in Libya, though my families died
during the last war in Libya due to our former president decision not
to come down from office after many people protested for him to come
down and many lives were lost as a result of the war.
I am a refugee here in Ouagadougou and i want you to help me claim 5.3
Million USD my late father deposited in a security company, i have
tried to get this money from the security but they said i must be up to
18years before i can come for the money that is why i want you to claim
the money as my late father's family friend and you will help travel to
your country for a better life after you receive the money from the
security company.
Please send me your information below for me to take to the security
company for them to make arrangement for the transfer and contact me
here email.[]
Your full name..........
Your private telephone number..........
Your passport or identity card........
Your country....................... ...
Your occupation..............
Thank you as i wait your reply.
Kind regards,
Abiba Faisal.
Ti Ibu, Celinena Christian
Dear ka Pangeran,
Kaitannana alatan jeung manusa mah megatkeun pikeun nulis ka anjeun dina hiji taneuh kamanusaan.
Kami Ibu, Celinena Christian hiji randa sepuh nalangsara ti lila geringna (Bayah Kangker) jeung (stroke). Kami kawin tanpa hiji anak ka ahir pak Joseph Christian anu hade jeung Kuwait Kadutaan di Basisir Gading for ngarah loba taun. Kuring keur ayeuna ngaku di rumah sakit swasta di dieu di Abidjan Basisir Gading alatan gering mah, jeung mah geus sababaraha dana mah warisan ti ahir salaki kuring, anu maot genep taun ka tukang di kacilakaan motor.
Lamun ahir salaki mah hirup manéhna disimpen jumlah $ 2.500.000.00 (Dua Million Lima Saratus rébu pérak) kalayan bank di dieu di Abidjan Basisir Gading, sarta geuwat dana ieu masih dilaksanakeun jeung bank di dieu di Basisir Gading. Tapi, kuring nyieun nepi pikiran mah nulis Anjeun hurup ieu alatan Dokter mah ka kuring anyar mah moal lepas pikeun 3 bulan ka hareup alatan masalah kanker mah, ieu teh geus wawatesan kuring saprak poe anjeunna ngumumkeun ieu ka kuring. Pikeun pangaruh ieu mah megatkeun pikeun nyumbang dana ieu ka hiji jalma fearing jujur jeung Allah atawa hiji organisasi anu bisa make dana ieu pikeun zakat jeung tujuan kamanusaan, saperti sakola wangunan, imah panti asuhan, ngawangun rumah sakit pikeun miskin oge keur rambatan firman Alloh jsb
Mah ngajak kaputusan ieu kusabab kuring teu boga anak mah sorangan anu bisa inherit dana ieu. Lamun ahir salaki mah hirup, manéhna sok warned kuring teu ngalaan pakaya pikeun baraya-Na, sabab ogé usaha ku sababaraha cara pikeun ngaleungitkeun manéhna alatan harta-Na. Leuwih ti éta, kuring jeung ahir salaki kuring duanana lahir deui Kristen saméméh pupusna, jeung baraya-Na sok geus ambek sareng anjeunna alatan agama manéhna pilih. Pikeun pangaruh ieu, i geus megatkeun pikeun turutan instruksi telat salaki kuring jeung moal nginpokeun ahir salaki baraya mah ngeunaan ayana dana ieu, ku sabab nu kafir.
Kuring geus nyokot kaputusan ieu dina sorangan ka nyumbang dana ieu pikeun karya Allah, kumargi abdi hoyong Allah jadi welas asih ka kuring jeung narima jiwa mah, saprak kuring nyaho yen sareng Allah sagala hal anu mungkin. Kuring bakal Anjeun hoyong ngabales ieu surat gancang-gancang, alatan sumanget Allah salaku diarahkeun kuring milih anjeun pikeun prestasi tina doktrin ieu. Ngaku ayana hiji response saharita ti anjeun, jadi kuring bisa ari nyaho lengkah saterusna nuturkeun, saprak kuring rek dana nu kudu ditransfer kudu kaluar ti nagara ieu alatan kuring bakal ngaliwatan perlakuan chemotherapy dina 10 poé saterusna.
Hoping narima walonan Anjeun tur tetep rahayu.
Ibu Celinena Christian
Minggu, 22 Februari 2015
relocating since but I am now rich.
I am one of those that took part in the United Nations Compensation program in EGYPT many years ago and they refused to pay me, i had paid over $20,000 while in the US, trying to get my payment but all was to no avail.
So I decided to travel down to EGYPT with all my compensation documents, i was told that the funds has been transfer to HSBC BANK OF EGYPT and I was directed to meet Mr Owen Brown, who is the member of COMPENSATION PROGRAM COMMITTEE, and i contacted him and He explained everything to me.
He said whoever is contacting us through emails are fake. He also took me to the paying bank( HSBC BANK OF EGYPT) for the claim of my Compensation payment.
Right now, i am the happiest woman on earth because I have received my compensation funds of $5,000,000.00 moreover,Mr Owen Brown showed me the full information of those that are yet to receive their payments and i saw your email as one of the beneficiaries who have not yet recived the payment under CASE FILE 54AC003, and that is why I decided to email you to stop dealing with those people.
They are not with your fund, they are only making money off you. Therefore, i would advise you to contact Mr Owen Brown for assistance and inform her that your CASE FILE is 54AC003. Contact him directly via the
information below.
Name : Mr Owen Brown
You really have to stop dealing with those people that are contacting you and telling you that your fund is with them, it is not with them. They are only taking advantage of you and they will dry you up until you have nothing.
The only money paid after i met Mr Owen Brown was just the bank transfer charges, which is only normal and legitimate as it is in all banks in the world.
So please take note of that. Mr Owen Brown shall ensure that you deal directly with the bank(HSBC BANK OF EGYPT).Once again stop contacting those people, I will advise you to contact Mr Owen Brown, so that He can help you in the collection of your transfer payment instead of dealing with those liars that will be turning you around asking for different kind of money to complete your transaction.
Thank you and be blessed.
Mrs. Judy Proctor
Selasa, 17 Februari 2015
My name is Miss Sara a ,i saw your contact caught my attraction, and became interested,
i will like to know you more, i will be waiting to receive your lovely email to my mail box, so we can communicate easily to know each other the more, i promise to also send
you my photo for you to know me.
Bear in mind that Love has no colors
barrier, no educational back ground barrier, no socio-economic Barrier,
religious, language, nationality or distance barrier, the only important Thing is true affection, in everything we need to live our life and be happy.
Yours new found friend,
Miss Sara.
business proposer
Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015
Treat with dispatch
From Suzan Elsirgany
United Bank
Dear Friend;
This message might meet you in utmost surprise. However, it's just my urgent need for foreign partner that made me to contact you for this transaction. I am a banker by profession and currently holding the post of Chief Operating Officer and Accounting unit of the bank.
I have the opportunity of transferring the left over funds ($24million USD) of one of my client who died along with his entire family on 31 July 2000 in a plane crash. why I have to do this, I don't want the Egyptian government to take over the fund, Due to the economic problem going in the country and You can confirm the genuineness of the deceased death by clicking on this web site below
However, I am inviting you for a business deal where this money can be shared between us in the ratio of 60/40%. All I need is for you to set up an online account in your name with United bank and I will have the money deposited into this account of yours to enable you complete the transfer online to your designated bank account in your home country; Online banking is the safest way of doing business of such value no matter where you are located. It is as simple as it looks and as soon as the fund is transferred to your account, I will put away all documents to cover any trace of the fund.
I know you will be very much interested, kindly provide me with the details below.
First Name.............
Telephone No........
Occupation ......
Date of Birth (date/m/yr) ......
Copy of International Passport Or ID card.....
Further details will be provided when next I hear from you; remember this transaction is risk free as I would never jeopardize my future and that of my family by getting involved into what is illegal.
Have a great day
Yours sincerely,
Suzan Elsirgany
Senin, 09 Februari 2015
Blackberry Distributorship
We need distributors to market our new brand BLACKBERRY PHONES for 2015. If you are interested please, get back to me with your full contact details and your profile and if we are satisfied we shall send our technical team to meet with you to discuss your distributorship right and profit before full delivery of our product to you.
Our first product shipment will worth over US$20,000.000.00 (Twenty Million United States Dollars) and therefore, will need a honest and a hardworking person to work with.
Thank you
Get Started with Google ©
Kamis, 05 Februari 2015
I am are a financial facilitator with HSBC LONDON. i represent and manage huge investment Capital for a priority client , seeking for a Local Investment Partner in your country , i choose to contact you because am looking for a financially independent individual who can manage an investment capital portfolio of the sum of Fifty Million United States dollars ( $50,000,000) for Capital Development Project (CDP).
This capital investment project will be Proposed by you as the Local investment Partner, the choice will be based on your ability and experience. As the Local Investment Partner you will bear the risk on the choice of the investment project you choose to invest this fund in your country. The Investor will assume the position of a Silent Partner and will be devoid of any executive responsibility of the Investment.
if your are interested in this proposal and want further consultation on the Condition of Disbursement (CoD) of this financial portfolio please do respond with the folowing requirements; send a copy of your respond to this email:
1. Full Name
2,Business Name/company
3, Address
4,Telephone Number/Private.
5, Profession and Speciality with experience details.
6, Project Proposal.
7, Age/DOB.
8. copy of International passport
Mr. Harris William
Tennis Tips - Make Money on Tennis
We are the TENNIS TIPS provider.
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Selasa, 03 Februari 2015
Please reply for more details
USD15.6Million to your Bank account. 40/percent will be your share.
No risk involved but keep it as secret. Contact me for more details.
Reply in my
alternative email address ( for confidential reasons
Dr Bama Yousuf
Minggu, 01 Februari 2015
Best watches in the world! Luxury bags,phones,jewelry in our boutique.

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