Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Read & Get Back To Me Immediately

This is a Management Placement on behalf of My client a Chinese citizen who is looking for an experienced business person/company that can profitably invest monies as a loan in excess of $ expect to hear from you to know your willingness and capability to manage this fund
Yours sincerely
Mark Wang

Minggu, 27 Maret 2016


Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Prince Arthur Fom, the newly appointed Chairman of Fund Recovery Unit/Federal Pay Officer in the administration of the new President of Nigeria, General Mohammed Buhari (rtd),
My duty is to recover/peruse all unclaimed payments owed to foreign nationals by the past President Goodluck administration and beyond so as to clear the country from fraudulent mess as directed by the international communities,
In that capacity, this present administration through my office  has required you as a matter of urgency, to state why your fund has not been paid to you uptil this moment to enable us probe the concern officials where necessary and release your fund to you. Therefore we want you to state how much you have spent during the course of pursuing this payment and also how long you have been on it,
Finally we need all your payment/ bank details to enable us facilitate your fund transfer with immediate effect  as well as releasing your payment reference number to you. We are very sorry for all the embarrassment all our past governments has caused to you,
We are committed to serve you better,
Yours faithfully.
Arthur Fom


Dear Friend,
Please read this slowly and carefully as it may be one of the most important mails you'll ever get. My name is Mrs.Rose Martin from Switzerland and I am very sorry for the attachment, I am a 59 years old woman. I was married to late Mr.Johan Martin who is my husband,and also the CEO BRUGG CABLES Oil Ltd, Switzerland, and a seasoned contractor in Kuwait. He died on, 31th October  2015 in Kuwait.
My late husband and I were married for years without a child of our own and after his death i decided not to re-marry or get a child outside my matrimonial home. As I speak to you, i have been diabolized with congested heart failure, of which the doctors have confirmed and told me that I would not live along.. After my husband passed away last year, I realized he deposited a huge sum of money with Security Company.
The money that was deposited in the Security company was a total of US$ 7.5million .As i write to you, i feel that the money in the Security company would be a waste if i die and that is why i have come to a conclusion of donating the money out to the less privilege and also the motherless babies home.
My husband's brother is an addicted smoker and drinker who spend his money on expensive drinks and unnecessary things and so i do not wishfor him to have any of the money which my husband worked so hard for all his life. After going through your profile over the internet i decided contact you for friendship and assistance for distribution of my inheritance. Please, my dear friend i have come to you to help me carry out this last wish of mine because i am too weak to move about and also have been confined to a wheel chair for long due to the state of my health and so i can't travel all the way from here.
It is true that I don't know you, but I have been directed by God to do this. If you wish to help me, write back to me at your earliest convenience so that i would direct you on how to contact the Security Company for the transfer of the funds to you whichever way you may wish to nominate for this purpose. Please send me your name, address,occupation, age, sex, marital status and contact telephone numbers to enable me forward it to the security company for the claim. I will give you my lawyer contact information for i may not be able to carry
out, i am weak less privilege to write or talk.
I await your urgent reply.
Thanks for your kindness
God Bless,
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs.Rose Martin

Senin, 21 Maret 2016


I have a proposal for you, please get back to me for more details.

Mrs Chen.
Peter Eschenbach
North Island Business Development Manager - Personal Insurance
Mb: 027 442 0720
Call FMG Free: 0800 366 466

Follow us on


Cnr Dixon & Church Streets, Masterton 5810 | PO Box 652 | Masterton 5840 |

This email and any attachments is private and confidential. If you receive this email in error, please notify us and delete the email from your system. Read our full disclosure here. FMG is a Qualifying Financial Entity (QFE). A full disclosure statement is available free of charge from or by calling 0800 366 466.

Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Jumat, 18 Maret 2016



Minggu, 06 Maret 2016

Dog killed a by a man in a deser


Dog killed a by a man in a desert


man killed a dog in a desert and recording this video



Like Our Page on Facebook  

after a few years his son also died in car accident

any thing you will do its com back to you


DJ doing tricks with Traktor and Virtual DJ MIDI Controller

DJ doing tricks with Traktor and Virtual DJ [New Video]

TouchpadFX product imageA DJ uses his laptop's touchpad to control Traktor and Virtual DJ running on his laptop.

You can turns on effects and looping simply by touching the touchpad.

If you are playing music on MacBook or PC laptop, don't miss this video!

Start Control Dj Software and Enjoy

Click Here to Control Your Favorite Dj Software By Touch



For Windows users

Click Here To Visit TouchpadFX Website!


For Mac OS X users

TouchpadFX is available for Mac OS X and Windows. Our primary customers are the Mac OS X users. The first reason is that most digital DJs are using Apple MacBook computers instead of Windows machines. Secondly, the MacBook touchpads are multi-touch capable and it is much more fun to use TouchpadFX on multi-touch trackpad.

Click Here To Visit TouchpadFX Website!

Click Here to Download TouchpadFX


Source: Virtual MIDI Controller. MIDI Touch Pad

Download Speed Dreams A Fork of The Famous open Racing Car Simulator


Download Speed Dreams A Fork of The Famous open Racing Car Simulator

Speed Dreams is a fork of the famous open racing car simulator Torcs, aiming to implement exciting new features, cars, tracks and AI opponents to make a more enjoyable game for the player, as well as constantly improving visual and physics realism.

In other words, Speed Dreams is the place:

where developers can try their ideas and have every chance to get them released to the end-users (democracy is the main principle ruling the dev team),
where end-users can enjoy the completion of these ideas and give their opinion about it, and/or make new suggestions.

So, if you find your or some people's Torcs patch proposals don't integrate the official release as quickly as you would have loved, you have reached the right place !



Speed Dreams is a 3d cross-platform, open source motorsport simulation and racing game. It is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). For the moment, the supported platforms are Linux (x86, x86_64) and 32 bit Windows. The Mac OS X port is 95% finished, more volunteers are welcome...

Speed Dreams is a fork of the open racing car simulator Torcs, aiming to implement exciting new features, cars, tracks and AI opponents to make a more enjoyable game for the player, as well as constantly improving visual and physics realism.

The current official release features :

visually reworked menus by Brian Gavin, Eckhard M. Jäger, Andrew Sumner and Jean-Philippe Meuret,
3 amazing fine tuned and balanced new car sets by Andrew Sumner and Haruna Say: Super Cars, 36 GP and LS-GT1,
an updated TRB1 car set (well balanced, more realistic behaviour),
3 exciting new tracks and many visually improved ones,
smashing liveries for all these cars, by Eckhard M. Jaeger and Haruna Say,
2 new TRB first-class robot for the Supercars, 36 GP and TRB1 car sets :

USR by Andrew Sumner and Simplix by Wolf-Dieter Beelitz (at last real AI opponents !),
animated driver by Andrew Sumner on 36GP cars, 3D wheels for all cars by Eric Espie,
2 new leader-board modes by Gabor Kmetyko, smoke on spinning tires by Andrew Sumner,
brand new gauges by Eckhard M. Jaeger, and many many other small visual improvements,
experimental Simu V3 physics engine by Christos Dimitrakakis,
many menu improvements (support for grid shifting, optimized track select load time,

category filter when selecting driver, more infos in results and standings boards),

You Can Download Full Free Version From Here


Type ZIP archive
Size 143.12 MB



Source Download Speed Dreams A Fork of The Famous open Racing Car Simulator

Rabu, 02 Maret 2016

Download Vegatrek Full Version .. 500 systems to explore


Download Vegatrek Full Version .. 500 systems to explore

the Vegatrek Public access terminal. You can use it to find out about Vegatrek's mission, where to get it, and also contact the crew. Ever wanted to freely explore the Trek universe ? Visit Vulcan ? Fight the romulans in the neutral zone or assist the maquis against the cardassians ? Then this is the right place for you ! So, what are you waiting for? There are worlds to explore, new galaxies to be discovered! Here's some of the the features of Vegatrek:

500 systems to explore
over 20 different ships to fly
8 empires to side with or against
the reknowned VegaStrikeâ„¢ engine under the hood
the ability to trade and/or fight with other nations
5 different skill level modes ranging from 'easy' to 'impossible

You Can Download Full Free Version From Here
ZIP archive
Size 943.07 MB


Source Download Vegatrek Full Version .. 500 systems to explore


Selasa, 01 Maret 2016

Free TripleA Maps .. 77 Maps For offline installation


Free TripleA Maps .. 77 Maps For offline installation


TripleA is a free turn based strategy game and board game engine. Has single player vs ai/hot-seat, multiplayer through Play By Email, network play, and a hosted Online lobby. Comes with 4 games, and over 100 more games and maps that can be downloaded. Needs only Java to run, so can run on Windows, Mac, Linux. Supports features like save games, encrypted dice gen, low luck, and many more options.
TripleA comes with, by default, just 4 maps (Big World, Great War, Capture the Flag, and Minimap), so you must install more. Here is how:

All you have to do is start up TripleA 1.2.X.X (Yes that means run the .exe or .sh) and click on the “Show Maps” button.
Then click “list games”.


Select map you want to install then Click install Game Button
there is a 77 Maps available in this Version
just Download it and start Playing

Type ZIP archive
Size 328.86 MB


you don’t need to download the maps Manually, Just download them to your computer from

Source Free TripleA Maps .. 77 Maps For offline installation

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