The Fund transfer was paid out three days ago and I have collected my own share.and I pressurized the influential woman to concede some amount as COMPENSATION to you. You already know that the other co investor that approved the fund Alvin peter Kappelmann Jr died DURING the sept 11 attack mishap that killed thousands of people at the world trade center in the incidence which the international media broadcast it that warranted this payment as i believe you know. pls log in to to see the CNN report of the incidence and the confirmation of mr peters death.
There fore your over due contract execution funds totalling $800,000 [thousand united states dollars} has been approved and ractified by chrome oil board company yesterday after a protracted legal battle by the contractors for chrome oil.
Because of my sudden appointment in South Korea I then handed your fund and instruct the chrome oil secretary chris coolman to send you the fund asap and his mail:(
The chrome oil Secretary is very much informed by me about you and I instructed him to transfer over the the fund to you without you paying a dime as soon as you contact him.
I gave him the CODE 555, which you have to mention for identification.
Yours Sincerely and associate,
Mr.John Mba chiarman
chiarman chrome oil
middle east and london
Orléans Masters 2025
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