Our ref: FAP/FG/NNPC/PTF………..
Compliment of the season
Due to your long over-due fund which you have been finding it difficult to receive via a Certified Bank Draft issued by Deferent organization, The Senate House Committee wish's to inform you that your Accrued Interest Payment Release Bond has been endorsed,
We have arranged your payment through our International ATM CARD PAYMENT CENTRE in Europe, America, Africa and Asia Pacific, this is part of an instruction/mandate passed by the Senate in respect to overseas contract payment and debt re-scheduling.
Following the recent returned remittance advice from the overdue contract settlement commission under the auspices of the United Nation, Uk Metropolitan Police and the Central Bank of Nigeria including Asia Pacific, unpaid contract resolution panel in view of your neglected accumulated accrued interest from the peer reviewed advice.
We are greatly saddened with the fact that efforts to transfer your overdue sum till-date proved abortive due to ambiguities, irregularities or discrepancies by the past corrupt officials in services, This letter is an official Re-notification of your accrued payment at the tone of US$650,000,00 already approved.
You are hereby instructed to proceed to the Stanbic Credit Union or contact
Mr. Akin Gabriel with below e-mail;
Mr. Akin Gabriel
Payee officer Stanbic Credit Union
Tell: ++2348095914562,Fax:+27865994122
For urgent response
The card center will send you an ATM DEBIT CARD, which you will use to withdraw your money in any ATM machine, Banks and Union Pay Credit outlets in the world; you are hereby selected as an honor for this payment approval, which you are to acknowledge the receipt of this mail.
NOTE: you are to re-confirm your details so as to facilitate the immediate release of your ATM CARD immediately.
(1) Your Full Name.
(2) Full Residential Address...
(3) Direct and Current Phone:
(4) Nationality.
(5) Present Country.
Please Note: As soon as your details have been received here by the Payee officer Stanbic Credit Union, you are therefore advised to stop any further communications with All other bodies such as the Compensation and Finance House, Lottery Organizations etc....
You have to act fast so as to facilitate the immediate release of your ATM Card and more so as to avoid miss-appropriation of your Card.
Note: Everything has been taken care of by the Federal Government of Nigeria, The United Nation and also the FBI and including taxes, custom paper and clearance duty so all you will ever need to pay is $250 for delivery and clearance.
On receipt of this fund, you should not hesitate to inform the above committee that you have been paid, for the final reconciliation on the payment files with the ministry were the contract was executed. As we have been committed to redeem the lost image of this country Nigeria which was almost tarnished by the past corrupts officials and their oversea associates for the past years. We sincerely apologize for what in- settlement of this debt would have cost you.
Mrs. Rachel Dunn
DIRECT FAX: +234-12270164
Panti Asuhan Mekar Lestari, BSD
2 jam yang lalu
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